This is Julia. Julia grew up in a small town in Leningrad Oblast, not far from Saint Petersburg, and moved to Berlin when she was 15 years old. That was in 1996. “Berlin is like a five-year-old child,” she says. “It is very open and playful, and it has always a big smile on its face.” Julia is an all-rounder: She is a mother of two and studying animation at the Film University of Babelsberg. If she finds some time for herself, she is either supporting RuBERoid Festival with her stunning animation art and/or writing thoughtful lyrics for the Berlin based band Lila von Grau, where she is also the lead singer. Julia and her band will be playing at RuBERoid Festival this year. RuBERoid Festival is an alternative Russian art festival by young Russian creatives for young Russian creatives. After a huge success in 2013, RuBERoid will be held for the second time in Berlin-Marienfelde this weekend. More information about Lila von Grau and all the other amazing bands playing at RuBERoid Festival you can find here. You sure shouldn’t miss it. See you at RuBERoid tonight!
RuBERoid Festival, Großbeerenstraße 186, 12277 Berlin, 7-8 November, 2014, S-Bahn: Berlin-Marienfelde
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