
Alex Upatov, Comedian, Wedding

January 4, 2015
Alex Upatov

This is Alex. Alex is a comedian who was born in Omsk, Russia and came to Germany in 1995. He lived in Lower Saxony most of his life until he finally moved to Berlin last year for his one and only passion: stand-up comedy in English. “I was the only comedian in my area,” Alex says. “Berlin has the biggest English speaking comedy scene in Germany and here I can perform almost every day.” There are about six to seven shows a month which Alex organizes, presents and/or performs himself. “Berlin is great,” he tells me. “You meet people from all over the world and there is always something funny to talk about.” Alex just recently started Berlin Comedy Underground on YouTube. The channel has a collection of the city’s leading stand-up comedians and according to Alex it provides a good overview of Berlin’s English speaking comedy scene.

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