Every Tuesday Kauz & Kiebitz sublet their kitchen to ambitious Streetfood projects to present the best food from all over the world. Today they will turn East and the talented Hungarian Berliner Júlia of Pelmeni Slam will be presenting the Russian national dish.
Pelmeni Slam offers a crazy combination of traditional pelmenis with the twist of creativity. As the name is trying to indicate some improvisation is involved to serve Berlin with not only the well known meat pelmenis but versions like mushroom & chestnut, beetroot, smoked cheese, etc. Besides the experimental way of presenting pelmeni the most important value is that all 40 thousand dumplings prepared during the last 2 years were handmade with a lot of love.
There are two versions of pelmenis available: The Traditional filled with mixed minced meat & served with sour cream, parsley and vinegar. And another one filled with mushroom and chestnut & served with sour cream, chives and date crème vinegar. Plus there will be served a great choice of Vodka.
Pelmeni Slam @Kauz & Kiebitz
Reuterstraße 47 | 12047 Berlin
Tuesday, 18th April 2016
Starting at 7pm
Visit Pelmeni Slam’s Facebook page or join their event on Facebook!
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