In order to meet the musician and lead singer of Skazka Orchestra I traveled all the way to the outskirts of Berlin by public transportation. „Why don’t you come over to our datcha?” Artur asked me, “we will be staying there over the weekend and I don’t want to go back to the city.“ An offer sounding very Russian to my ears and I just couldn’t deny. After a twenty minutes ride from Gesundbrunnen in Wedding, Artur picks me up from Karow train station and I follow him all the way to his beautiful and quiet datcha. He opens a bottle of cider for us, pours in our glasses and starts telling me about his life. „I was born in Kazakhstan and I came to Berlin in 1995,“ Artur says and tells me that he has never left Berlin ever since. After he finished high school, he started studying accordion at the Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler in Berlin – one of the leading music conservatories in Europe. There, he met his friends and fellow band mates from his band Skazka Orchestra. „We met each other while playing for a Mongolian Valentine’s Day Festival in Wedding. It was our first gig together as Skazka Orchestra.“ That was about 10 years ago. At first, the band started playing in Köpenik, became then well-known in the German capital until they started touring Germany. Today they have produced two albums, one remix and they were part of the documentary „From Wustrow to Paris“ which could be seen in repertory cinemas. „So what do you love most about Berlin?“ I ask Artur while he pours the rest of the cider in our glasses. „We have songs written in five languages. I love that there are so many people in Berlin speaking different languages,“ he answers and takes the last sip of his drink. „Oh yes,“ he continues while putting down his glass: „My garden which is only 20 minutes away from the city center.“
To find out more about the fabulous music of Skazka Orchestra visit their website and follow them on facebook.
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