Helena Melikov is more than a Berlinograder, as a “Berlinogirl” she is also part of our Berlinograd team. We talked to the talented graphic designer about her childhood, about why Russian New Year’s Eve is such an important memory for her and what Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet have to do with her moving to Germany. Where were you born? Where did you grow up? I was born in Dzhetygara, Kazakhstan. It is a small town in the north of…
RUSummit 2018 x Berlinograd 1920s Berlinograd.com and Russian Standard presented the exhibition of “Berlinograd 1920s” and co-hosted the Get Together event at the conference RUSummit 2018 in Berlin-Mitte last Friday. RUSummit is an exclusive…
Vladimir Tatlin is the forefather of constructivism and at the same time the enfant terrible of Russian modernism. He had an indispensable aversion to any kind of authority, which is why his relationships with…
Marina Cvetaeva is one of the most important Russian poets of the 20th century. Ani Menua got to know her in the café “Prager Diele”, where an evening with Ilja Ehrenburg took place by…
Andrei Bely is not only one of the most important poets of the 20th century, but also an important theorist of art. He is considered one of the main representatives of symbolism. The Literary…
Gala, first named Elena Diakonova, was born in the Russian Empire and moved to Switzerland at an early age then later to Paris, where she married the young poet Paul Éluard. She was a…